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The proper way to decorate your table for guests

30 juin 2015

When it comes to decorating a table in a festive way on special occasions, the possibilities are endless. Follow these guidelines when you need guest-impressing inspiration.

The proper way to decorate your table for guests

When it comes to decorating a table in a festive way on special occasions, the possibilities are endless. Just remember that your decorations should add pizzazz without getting in the way of the meal, and follow these general guidelines when you need inspiration.

Flowers and candles

  • Use floral decorations that are appropriate for the season and nature of the gathering. Remember to cut them short so they don't hinder eye contact across the table.
  • Instead of using a large bouquet, which usually has to be removed during the meal, scatter flower petals or arrange small, individual bouquets or pots on the table. Individual flowers and long-lasting greens such as long sprigs of ivy also dress up a festive table.
  • Make sure candles are in secure candlesticks so they don't tip over.
  • For a fairly large table, use small lanterns or tea lights in decorative glasses. Match the colour to the floral decoration.
  • To make a beautiful table even more festive, scatter polished pieces of coloured glass, shiny confetti, or beautifully-coloured leaves over the table cloth.
  • On special holidays, put a small chocolate on every plate: an Easter egg, Santa Claus, or small heart, depending on the holiday.

The final touch

Don't overdo the table decorations. If your guests have to peer through the flowers to talk to you, you may have gone too far. Table decor should encourage a pleasant, festive atmosphere without hindering conversation.

  • Place cards belong at the top of the place setting and can be decorated with drawings, photos, or small flowers.
  • For children's birthdays, spell the names of guests using alphabet cookies, candies, or cupcakes.
  • Menus are used mainly for official occasions, but at private parties they can round out the decorations and serve as souvenirs. Experiment with different shapes — round, oval, or triangular — or decorate them to coordinate with the invitation.
  • For large parties, you can also write the menu in chalk on a blackboard.
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