An overexposed location in the country is as unsettling for livestock and wildlife as it is for people. An isolated rural house requires shelter from the wind and the unsettling noises near the property. Here are some solutions to consider.
29 juillet 2015
An overexposed location in the country is as unsettling for livestock and wildlife as it is for people. An isolated rural house requires shelter from the wind and the unsettling noises near the property. Here are some solutions to consider.
The city householder rarely has to worry about wind; if anything, turbulence is more likely to be a problem than overexposure and in a built-up area there is probably very little to be done about it. A rural area, on the other hand, needs a wind shelter. Even where strong winds are rare, energy efficiency dictates some form of shelter to keep the house cool in summer and warm in winter.
Highways, railway lines, mining works and other noise sources can often disturb the peace of the countryside. Break the force of intrusive sounds in the same way that wind force is reduced.
Keep these wind and noise solutions in mind and create a peaceful property in the country.
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